Proven experience in commercial, corporate and competition law

Commercial activities require appropriate support and to this end, the Crema Fiorio Firm can take care of the contractual models drawing-up for leading-edge business activity and offer tailor-made solutions for corporate governance or the management of relations among partners and with the governing body. Efficiency, quality and timely intervention are core features of the Crema Fiorio Martini Rigo Firm when it comes to commercial and corporate litigation.

The Crema Fiorio Martini Rigo Firm also offers solutions for companies which deal with insolvency issues, evaluating the different options for overcoming the economic crisis and where necessary, establishes extra-judicial negotiations with creditors also in the form of debt restructuring agreements or reorganization plans or through access to bankruptcy proceedings such as bankruptcy or settlement, also in continuity.

Solid background in International business activity and commercial litigation

The Crema Fiorio Martini Rigo Firm is a reliable and competent partner for companies which operate in international markets and is equipped to provide support in international contracts, procedures for foreign business transactions and the setting up of foreign firms or branches. The expertise of the associates, which has been acquired through direct professional experience abroad, is specifically related to contracts for international sale and purchase of movable and immovable properties, for services procurement as well as for international works and supply contracts.

With regard to credit documents, international transport and customs, international taxation and international credit guarantees, the Crema Fiorio Martini Rigo Firm offers a quality service. The Firm team provides the appropriate protection to business in the management of commercial foreign networks through the drawing up, consultancy and negotiation of distribution contracts, agency, franchising, business procurement, joint ventures or network contracts. If required, linguistic support can also be provided. Clients can avail of the services of the practice also in case of dispute in the contract execution or interpretation, before the normal judicial authorities or arbitration.

A specific vocation for the protection of the rights of individuals

The Crema Fiorio Martini Rigo Firm assists its clients in the area of civil law, considering an added value of its collaborators the attention on juridical language, risks awareness or specificities of question both in hereditary succession, a reality or property issues, family law or a strategy of heritage protection.

The Firm assists its clients who invest in and who deal with the real estate sector, providing expertise in the purchase, sale and income generation of assets in Italy and abroad. The Firm also offers businesses and employees services in situations of extra judicial management in the area of labour and trade Union Law and assistance in labour law disputes.